
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Herbal Suspension!

I'm hoping that my pineapple sage that made it through the winter inside will start to grow!  It is just is sitting in herbal suspension!  It is in a crowded place, but it grew just fine there last year.  I'll post another photo on this blog if we have an herbal life.  Gave it a shot of fish emulsion recently.  So I don't know what the heck is going on!  I don't think there will be any pineapple sage jelly this year!:(  Here is a link to my jelly recipe for Pineapple Sage Jelly.  Will have to make a note to myself to buy more pineapple sages next year.  Well, we had almost 3/4 of an inch of rain yesterday with more to come today.  We were in the low 70's after the rain, but still soupy.  Going to run some errands and go to our favorite lunch place, Panera.  Talk to you later.


  1. My pineapple sage isn't doing anything either...just this little twig setting there looking as if it's on it's last leg :0(

  2. ahh pineapple sage jelly - I NEED to come and find your recipe!
    We have a mild climate where we live - and the pineapple sage does well.
    Not too sure about this year as James the budding horticulterist PRUNED LOTS in my garden - he did learn some awful words from his mother. he even thought he was helping pruning my beloved lilac trees with buds on...
    I'm pretty sure the pineapple sage will be hardy enough here for the chomp. I won't take pinapple sage so much for granted now I see how frail it gets in your neck of the woods.
    Love Leanne

  3. I did go out and look and it looks like it is about to spring forth with new shoots, Carol.

    Here Leanne is a link to three jelly recipes including the pineapple sage jelly recipe.

    Hope you like them. xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady