
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mint In Bloom!

Pineapple Mint


Variegated Mint
Well, here is three of my favorite mints.  I have some more, but these three are blooming at the moment.  The weather has been so hot that they have bloomed a bit earlier than normal, I think.  I have lost my herbal brain power to figure when these plants are usually in bloom.  I use all of these in tea blends.  Need to make up some new ones!  We had a round of severe weather with a lot of lightning.  So I'm going to post this quick.  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. My favorite for tea is peppermint but I like to use spearmint when I cook!
    Your mints look very healthy in spite of the excessive heat!

  2. They are getting enough water, BHN! I usually use spearmint more than peppermint. I have to stay away from peppermint with my GERD. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. My mints are going wild on me and I need to give them a major trim. I just don't have enough hours in my day to get everything I want done.

  4. Impressive! The variegated one looks pretty. Now I know about mints ant repelling qualities I think I should add more varieties around our garden.

  5. I have two favorite drink if it is hot, I love spearmint tea then when it is cold I love drinking a hot basil tea(also called tulsi I learned from this article). For now, I'm trying to cook and experimenting for new recipe where I could use some of these herbs! Love it!!! :-)

  6. Isn't that the truth, Carol.

    Tansy repels ants as well, Tracey.

    Thanks for stopping by Hanna and for the recipe link.


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Lemon Verbena Lady