
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lunch with My Friends at the Tomato Pie Cafe!

The Tomato Pie Cafe-Just Right for Lunch in the Summer!

Grilled Chicken Salad for me!
Big Barrel of Flat-Leaved Parsley!
Sage, Nasturtiums, Rosemary, Mint, An Herb Garden in Barrels!
Bay, Basil and more Rosemary!
Rose bush and Rain Barrel Collecting Water!
Was a fun afternoon having lunch with two of my longtime friends, Susan and Marilyn.  Susan picked out the Tomato Pie Cafe.  You made a great choice, Susan.  Good fresh food and lots of good conversation and laughs.  If you are thinking about getting together with friends, just do it.  I forget how much fun it is to get together with my friends!  We came back to the house and had a tour of the garden and some lavender lemonade.  Good thing The Herbal Husband left some for us to drink!  It is a beautiful day in the 'Burgh.  Hope you are having a great day as well.  I'll get back to the garden posts next time.  Talk to you later.


  1. It truly was a lovely outdoor lunch with great friends today, finished off with a wonderful garden tour and refreshing lavender lemonade. Thanks for sharing your beautiful gardens with us!

  2. Thanks Susan. It was a wonderful lunch and afternoon!

  3. Funnily enough I met up with a friend last night, and we said much the same thing, what fun it is, and that we should do it more often.
    The Tomato Pie Cafe looks very good. With all those lovely fresh herbs you can tell there will be tasty food on offer.

  4. The Tomato Pie Cafe sounds perfect for a summer ladies luncheon. And you are so right, it is good for one's spirit to get together with friends.

  5. It was a great time! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. It's been forever since I've had lunch with a friend. I must amend that :0)

  7. Really go ahead and make plans! Good for the soul!


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Lemon Verbena Lady