
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Herbal Protection Program

Some times I don't get to post about a photo until I remember that I haven't posted about that photo!  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!   'Moonshine' yarrow is a favorite of mine.  It is also a favorite of the birds, particularly the sparrows.  When it is young and even before it flowers, they are clipping off foliage.  I thought it was for their nests, but some times it just gets left on the ground.  Grrrr!  Very annoying!  So like other plants that get protection, our FBI (Floral Bureau of Investigation), brings out the tomato cages that have been covered with netting.  It is the only way that they leave the plant alone!  It makes for a good story not so much a great appearance.  Although it is protection that works for us.  Sort of a cloudy day.  Looks like it could rain.  Trying to get plants in the ground.  The summer just seems to be flying by!  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. We do what we have to do to save our plants :0)
    It was in the 80's here today so I took advantage of it ans worked outside for while :0) It felt so good!!!

  2. I know, Carol, what a difference a week makes! Thanks for stopping by as always!

  3. Hi Nancy,

    I'm anxious to see "Magic on Belle Isle" with Morgan Freeman but it's not playing in Richmond. I read that it started on July 6th. Any info on this?

    Thanks for your nice comments on my blog!

  4. My strawberry plants are covered in much the same way, as last year the birds beat me to them! I have left a pot uncovered for them, but the rest are ours!

  5. I haven't even seen a trailer for Magic on Belle Isle! So I won't be any help! Sorry! I'll let you know if I do.

    We have some of our strawberries covered as well, Tracey. It is a little game you have to play I guess! Always a challenge.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady