
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Trying to Get Plants Planted Already!

Parsley, Cinnamon, Genovese and Manmouth Basil in the Back of the Herb Garden
Last Chance for Nonproducing Fig!
Sweet Cicely Around Back Birdbath
Just Get The Sorrel in the Ground, Please!
Neither one of us is much of a designer in the garden.  We just plunk plants in the ground and hope they grow and thrive!  When it works, I do take credit.  When it doesn't I blame a disease or insect mostly.  I try never to blame The Herbal Husband.  He does so much in the garden.  We were working on sticks and strings today.  I've been in the garden more than ever this year, but he does the lion's share of the work.  It is hot and humid again!  Not 90 but close.  88 and sticky!  You just stand and drip.  The southern readers of this blog may be able to sympathize and maybe the rest of the country this year in particular.  Well, I hope you had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Your header photo is stunning - I would so love to linger amongst your plant like I do - and I have heard that is considered a "cottage garden" - very In right now!! Can you believe this summer weather - we continue to see upper 80's & 90's also which is just unreal. I read recently that 2/3's of the US is under drought conditions. Thinking we must learn to live with this as the planet moves towards a warmer climate.

    Don't overdo it in the heat...

  2. I've been trying to show our whole garden and just not the herb garden. I like that shot as well. It is just so hot and everything is blooming and dying quickly! Hope you cool down as well. xxoo Nancy

  3. Does the Nonproducing Fig know this is its last chance?
    I like the section at the side of your blog, about chores to be doing in the herb garden. I wasn't sure about basil flowers, but have been removing them anyway, so good to know I have been doing the right thing.

  4. Yes, Tracey it was told in no uncertain terms! LOL! Poor thing. We don't have enough heat for figs to mature unless you bury the tree! Have tried everything with our other tree that has been in the ground for many years. Only one season did it almost produce figs!

    Glad you like the chores list. Wish Blogger did like a slide show of those kinds of things. Maybe there is something I'm missing. I have been trying to put there the chores that I am doing on an ongoing basis. Thanks for stopping by as always. xxoo Nancy

  5. Oh Nancy, I'm swooning over pictures of your pictures. Here in Arkansas I just have a brown garden. Too hot and dry for most plants to live, let alone grow.

  6. Oh my gosh, I love your header picture. How nice it would be to walk around in this space, to sit in the shady spot and enjoy it all.

    Yes, it is hot and sticky down south here. Also partly cloudy and looks like we could get more rain. I just checked and .72 inches is predicted, but we shall see. It's supposed to rain right around the time for me to head home from work. UGH.

    Have a great weekend and don't work too hard or too long in your herbal gardens.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  7. Hi Carol! I bet you are hot and dry! We're not used to it here and we are supposed to be hot again next week! Not good! Stay cool!

    Yes, you have had too much rain, FL! Glad you like my new header photo. Trying to have you see all angles of the garden and other parts as well.

    Thanks as always both of you for stopping by. xxoo Nancy


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady