
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Fourth Blogging Anniversary!

I can hardly believe that it has been four years today that I started my blogging journey.  Here is my very first post.  Not much to look at!  I have been very blessed to "meet" such wonderful people during this blogging experience.  I hope that you have learned a bit about herbs and I hope in the coming year you'll learn a bit more.  This photo represents a more wacky looking herb garden this year.  I'm a bit of a control freak and letting the mullein and volunteer sunflower grow are both not me.  Then there is this 'African Blue' basil in the left front corner that really should be in a container, but isn't!  OK, OK!  I'm just taking a deep breath and letting it go!  But basically I have loved guest blogging for Herb Companion.  You can take an herbal vacation without leaving your house with this latest post called Herbal Travels:  Visiting Gardens During My Herbal Vacation and hope to continue blogging for them for many years to come.  I also promised a giveaway and once I get that organized, I'll post the prizes and there will be some for the US readers and some for the World readers.  Postal rates are just skyrocketing, but I want to include something for everyone!
So I'll leave you with a look at the back garden.  We are slightly preoccupied with the Olympics at the moment.  All those covered bikinis on the "beach" at the Horse Guards Parade!  We got mulch and peat moss for the reclaimed garden in the back.  Maybe photos later in the week.  Hopefully, you are having a great day!  Talk to you later.


  1. Congratulations. I admit I am a little more absent these days but have loved your blog for the couple years I have followed. You are a wealth of information, I am glad you decided to share it with us.

  2. Thanks Cindy! Have missed you coming around! Glad you have stuck with me! xxoo Nancy

  3. It's been a great adventure for me! I love all of the info you share and your Herbal Vacations are exciting. Congrats on your anniversary!!!

  4. Happy blogging anniversary and a BIG THANK YOU for blogging and all the sharing you do
    Love Leanne

  5. Happy Anniversary! May the next four bring us much more herbal sharing!

  6. Congratulations on your anniversary! I always enjoy visiting your blog, love your herbs and flowers.

  7. Thanks a bunch to all you ladies. You keep me going with each and every post.

  8. Congratulations on your 4th bloggiversary! I love reading your blog, inspiring and encouraging, and full of info and recipes.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  9. Congrats! I think your garden looks wonderful although I can relate about the control thing. I have a love hate relationship with those volunteers too. I think it's my inner free spirit trying to break out!!

  10. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. Yes, I certainly have learned a lot from you. I am particularly grateful for the section on the sidebar, 'Chores to be doing in the Herb Garden' I often spot something I should be doing, and then get to it!

  11. Thanks Barbara. I try to go with some things because I get too crazy if I don't, but then they take over and it gets nuts!

    Thanks Tracey. I'll glad I remind you about those little herbal chores!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by. xxoo Nancy

  12. Love your blog and love your garden. Stop by and visit me at We just got back from some amazing gardens in Seattle and Portland to share.

  13. Thanks THG. Just took a peek at your trips. Have to add those places to my to do list.


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady