
Friday, September 28, 2012

An Herbal Comeback of the Scented Kind!

Peppermint Scented Geranium In Flower Early May!

Here It is Struggling in Mid-July!

Here It is Making an Herbal Comeback at the end of September!
Sometimes we do know what we are doing here.  The Herbal Husband just wants every leaf and flower to survive.  That's why we don't thin our seedlings much or pruning back spindly plants.  I saw enough growth coming from the bottom of the peppermint scented geranium to plead my case to whack (sorry wrong term) to prune it back so that might make an herbal comeback.  It has gotten white flies! Ugh!  You think you're going in the right direction and something else brings you back to earth!  We are pretty soggy here.  Almost two inches of rain!  Sorry for those of you in drought.  I really wish I could share it!  Hope you are having a great day.  Still making jelly.  Rose geranium leaves have to dry out and then they will be steeped in White Zinfandel wine.  It is yummy.  Talk to you later.


  1. You had me at White Zinfandel, I love it!
    The geranium is looking pretty good now, you must be really pleased.

  2. Yes, Tracey, it is very tasty! It really is much better than it was! It is very exciting! I have to get over to your blog for a visit! xxoo Nancy

  3. I love your peppermint-scented geranium. It looks so promising. Too bad it isn't April. Forgive me--I already have Spring fever. I'm anxious to see what if anything has lived through this hot, dry weather. I have a lemon-scented geranium that resembles your July version. Perhaps it is time to visit with my scissors. I have my fingers crossed that she makes it. The scent is so appealing.

  4. This gives me hope that a favorite lemon scented geranium will send forth new growth...right now, it looks like I am growing sticks! Will keep trying and also adding a new bottle of White Zinfandel to my shopping list...

    Send rain, please!

  5. Well, we really cringe around here when the scissors come out, but as you can see it was a very good thing that we did it. Will be much easier to take inside and manage.

    Well, hopefully you will get some new growth before the season ends and you can trim away. Except you have had a frost, didn't you? So maybe you are done! I hope not. Thanks for stopping by ladies. xxoo Nancy

  6. I laughed when you said "sometimes we know what we are doing." I feel the same way! You have given my the inspiration needed to take cuttings from my scented geraniums as I bring them indoors. Then I can cut them back in winter without the fear of loss. Thanks so much to inspiring me again! Much Love, Marcy

  7. Always happy to oblige, Marcy! You inspire me as well! Thanks for stopping by. xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady