
Sunday, September 30, 2012

The 'Arp' Rosemary That Will Come Inside!

This is the one that got transplanted before I could say The Herbal Husband!  This is the one that I was going to leave near the rock wall in my herb garden.  He gets desperate this time of year to bring plants inside.  Hopefully it will do OK on a living room windowsill with either southern or western exposure.  We have drafty old windows so it should do OK.  In the garage last year a prostrate rosemary got powdery mildew.  We will have to watch it this season.  It may come back.  It is just a soggy wet rainy day.  We keep getting rain!  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. Lovely Arp!! Have not been having the best of luck with getting my rosemary plants to really flourish. They do okay but never really take on that lush growth. Winter finds them in south facing sun room which gets cooler at night so don't think temperature is the issue. They spend summers outside.

  2. I need to buy a couple of rosemary plants. The last one I had in my garden, croaked from all that rain we had. I was bummed out that's for sure. More rain is expected over the next few weeks. The ground is still squishy from what we got last weekend. I don't think we ever dried out from Isaac's deluge either, so what we are getting is just keeping us a tad on the soggy side. I love having fresh rosemary to cook with.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  3. Oh it looks lovely! We've been getting some rain, at least the grass is green again! Not super cold yet, so my stuff is still outside in pots.

  4. Rosemarys are really finicky, TO. You can lose them in a day by over or under water them.

    FL, we are having the rain at the moment. I don't think the ground is squishy yet, but we may be close.

    Thanks Peggy! I really do love fall.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!

  5. I noticed my rosemary seems to be flourishing at the moment (I have no idea what variety it is). Hopefully, it will survive outside again this year. Our winters are usually fairly mild.

  6. You lucky girl! I was going to try to get my 'Arp' rosemary through, but I won't have the chance.:( Thanks for coming by dear! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady