
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Chanticleer's Containers, Part Two!

A few more pot of plants from Chanticleer.  I'll give you overall views of Chanticleer tomorrow.  Got to run.  Having lunch with a childhood friend today.  Will be back in the kitchen tomorrow.  Talk to you later.


  1. I promise myself I will make it out to Chanticleer and never fulfill that promise. Maybe your pics will finally help get my butt in gear.

  2. Those are really awesome!!! I love container plantings. I just wish they didn't require so much upkeep. I'm already designing some planters for our new patio for next year :0)

  3. Hi John, You are probably right down the road. It is a great garden. Will be showing you more tomorrow! Thanks for coming by my herb garden.

    The staff at Chanticleer do containers extraordinarily well, Carol. Wish I knew all of the plant names for you. Maybe you can take a class at HD? xxoo Nancy

  4. What dramatic arrangements - they sure make a statement in the garden.

    Don't know if it is headed your way but we have freeze warnings posted for tonight. That's it for the season up here...moved my houseplants inside this afternoon Our leaves have started to show color and there are pumpkins everywhere.

  5. We are going to be in the 40's TO. Cut the majority of my basil to make jelly and pesto tomorrow. Will be a busy day. Thanks for the heads up! xxoo Nancy

  6. Those are some stunning containers and plants. Love the arrangements.

  7. Yes, Becca, they are known for their container selections! Thanks for stopping by the herb garden! xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady