
Monday, September 17, 2012

There was an Exploding Yogurt, a Flat Tire and a Fire Alarm! Stories from the Road!

An Heirloom Tomato, Basil, Chive, Feta, Olive and Pine Nut Salad
This salad saved my day on the bus ride down to Chanticleer in Wayne, Pennsylvania.  We had a box dinner later in the day that was very good, but it was a sandwich and I just didn't want two sandwiches in one day.  So The Herbal Husband made this salad and I topped it with a bit less than a tablespoon of Paul Newman's Lite Balsamic Vinaigrette.  It was excellent and got oohs and aahs from the bus riders.   

So Bonnie had an exploding yogurt go all over the front of her while we were waiting at a rest stop on the PA Turnpike about one-half hour from Chanticleer.  So near and yet so far.  Once they got the right equipment, the tire was fixed in a hurry.  I'll talk about the fire alarm in my post about NYC.  Here are some photos from Chanticleer.  We did make it there later in the day.  Chanticleer is billed as a "Pleasure Garden."  They really plant great containers.  I hope you can see that from my photos.  I'll let them speak for themselves.

Lots of herbs in containers and lots of other plants that I don't know.  They were in the courtyards and even around the grounds.  My fellow master gardeners were astounded that I didn't know many plants other than herbs.  Sorry, I have just let most of that knowledge go away and now that I'm 60. . ..  Oh, you know it's true!  I'll have Part Two of the Containers of Chanticleer tomorrow.  Was in the herbal kitchen this afternoon making purple basil vinegar, chopping chives and drying sweet marjoram.  Will share that in a post later this week.  Lots to talk about.  Rain coming tomorrow.  Hope the cinnamon and sweet basil holds up!  Need to make some jelly and pesto.  Hope you had a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. After all that it is nice that you had these beautiful potted plants to enjoy. I love the miniature pomegranate tree. We have a full size tree but there aren't many on it this year.

    Your salad looks so good! But then basil is always a good addition!

  2. Always exciting to see different plants in containers, Carla. The salad made the day for me! Thanks for coming by. xxoo Nancy

  3. My herbs are about all I have this yr, I was sick for several months. But reading this reminded me I better get out there and cut some now to dry. :)


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Lemon Verbena Lady