
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Have Never Had This Happen in the Herb Garden!

Is that a mushroom in my thyme?  Yikes!  This summer has been very strange.  Very hot and dry and then it's just wet enough to grow mushrooms in the thyme!  That's all I have!  Getting ready for the final push of grape jelly tomorrow.  I think I have five recipes to make.  It will be another long day.  I'll share with you the package we received from our friends in New Mexico today.  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. That does look odd, you would think it would be too bright for mushrooms there. Is it an edible variety?

  2. It sounds like your day is going to be very busy with jelly making.

    Enjoy the process and the rewards.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  3. Happy belated birthday, LVL, and many, many more. Those sunflowers on your header are beautiful.

  4. Tracey, I have no idea if it is edible and I will not try it. I could take it to the local mushroom group and may I will do that.

    Yes, FL, the jelly is going well.

    Thanks TG for the birthday wishes! The sunflowers have been spectacular this year!


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Lemon Verbena Lady