
Saturday, September 8, 2012

Road Trip for Tea at The Village Herb Shop!

You Wrote A Couple of  Language of Flowers Books, Kathleen!  A Tussie Mussie is the Perfect Birthday Gift!
Here is my dear herbal friend, Kathleen Gips with my birthday gift to her, a tussie mussie!  She said she doesn't get this gift often!  It is just perfect if I have to say myself!  Her birthday is tomorrow, but why wait, we celebrated today as you will see later.  Bonnie and I went up for our second quarterly tea at The Village Herb Shop.  Here is the menu.
It was an herbal harvest theme with apple overtones!  The first course was squash soup and a scone.
The second course was chicken salad on zucchini bread with bee balm petals, pimento cheese topped with apple on pumpernickel bread and savory mini cheddar biscuit with ham and corn relish.
The third course was dessert and featured apple pecan pie, concord grape streusel bar and caramel apple cake.
Of course, we had to have a different tea with each course.  There was Orange Blossom Oolong, Granny Green Apple Green tea and Caramel Black.  The one I liked the best was the one that was served during the last tea as well, the orange blossom oolong.  We also got to make an Herbal Harvest Rub for meats and vegetables.  It comes in a cute metal tin.  I'm thinking of making some extras as giveaways for that giveaway I'm going to do in the coming days!  Hope you had a great day.  We sure did.  Her next tea will be a Peppermint Stick Tea Party in November.  Unfortunately mint and chocolate are on the menu so I won't be going up.  Kathleen is doing a class on lovage that Bonnie and I are going to do October 12 and repeated on the 13th.  The Village Herb Shop is really decorated for Halloween at the moment.  So if you are in the Chagrin Falls,Ohio area, it is definitely worth the trip!

Hope You Had a Fabulous Day, Dear Kathleen!

It has cooled down since we left this morning.  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. What a feast and celebration; I would go there if I lived closer. I am in California. The food and portion sizes sound perfect.

  2. What a fun time you had and such delicious food and teas too.

    Send some of your cooler weather down here. I'm so ready.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  3. That was for "tea"? Sounds like a nice dinner to me. Beautiful tussie mussie.

  4. It was a lot of fun, Terra.

    FL, hope I sent some cooler weather your way. It's going to start raining here soon.

    TG, it really was an afternoon tea in the morning. Really we had a late lunch afterwards! I love doing tussie mussies for people. It's fun.

  5. What a nice birthday meal :) ......lovage? did someone mention my fav herb? hehehe

  6. All your recipes are looking good and i know it is not an easy task to try different things with herbs. But you did a nice job. liquid extracts


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Lemon Verbena Lady