
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Close to Freezing and Still Going Strong!

My 'African Blue Basil'
I'm not sure what to say about this.  I am always preaching about how basils don't like temperatures in the 40's and the 30's.  Well, forget about it!   I guess I'm incorrect.  I think wrong is a bit harsh!  We have had temperatures in the 30's the last two nights, this is too big to cover and it is still beautiful!  Who knew!  I guess it is in a microclimate it likes!  This is a very ornamental basil and not an edible one.  It has a very camphorous flavor.  This was the basil I was hoping would go into a container at the beginning of the season.  The bees really enjoyed and that's all that matters to me.  Hope you had a great day.  It was a beautiful fall day here.  Families out raking leaves.  Talk to you later.


  1. We have had two cool nights as well and basil does not look like it is on it's last legs. I think because we have not had the "cool down" for a couple of weeks before.... the soil is still very very warm and the cool air is not finishing off the basil as usual. Now next week... it will be done.

  2. Bingo, Mimi! Warm soil! That's it! Thanks for reminding me! xxoo Nancy

  3. My African basil which wants to be a shrub is still beautiful too
    ! I used this to make some vinegar earlier in September and the color and flavor are lovely. Also LOVED using it in small bouquets around the house all summer and fall. It smells great!
    Am going to try drying bunches to hang for decoration and scent during the winter!

  4. We have not had a killing frost here yet. I've pulled out my begonias though.

  5. Barbara, those are great ideas. I just love the way it looks and don't like to cut it back. I know that sounds weird!

    Yes, Peggy, we haven't either except the weather people are saying that we had a killing frost. Not if you look in our garden.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by. xxoo Nancy

  6. I found that cutting it back just encouraged the plant to get larger and produce even more flowers! And I didn't have to cut the whole thing at once so it still looked good. I only had one plant and it is huge now and I've cut it once or twice a week all summer. I love this plant. I hope I can find it again next year!

  7. I understand completely. This was the basil that I wanted planted in its own container, but it didn't happen. Sometimes my plants get planted before I can click my fingers! It seems to have become more available in my area. Maybe it will be in yours as well.


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Lemon Verbena Lady