
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Herb of the Year Still Blooming in My Garden!

Everblooming Cecile Brunner

A 'Rose' Geranium in Bloom
The Red Fairy Rose

The Pink Fairy Rose
Well, we are getting to the end of the growing season.  Our garden has not had a hard frost, but it's only a matter of time.  The rose, the 2012 Herb of the Year, is still blooming all around the garden.  I haven't talked about them much and sometimes they don't do as well as they should, but who doesn't love a rose.  These are all miniatures.  The bigger roses I have are done for the season.  Hopefully, you had some roses to enjoy this year.  We are going to have another cold night and then some moderation.  I froze some lemon verbena leaves for bread later.  Yes, The Herbal Husband is still digging herbs out of the garden.  I'm beginning to think I will have to move out some day!  Hope you have had a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. We haven't had a hard frost here yet but we have had a couple of light ones. So things are starting to look a bit shabby out there. I'll probably dig up all of the dahlias and elephant ears this weekend. Hopefully I'll get the garlic planted too...but I'm not baking on it :0)

  2. Oh, yeah, Carol, thanks for reminding me about the garlic!


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Lemon Verbena Lady