
Friday, October 5, 2012

Growing in the Rose Bush!

Silly melons from the compost spread under the rose bush in the herb garden.  We have had an awful problem with pill bugs this season.  So The Herbal Husband sprinkled them with diatomaceous (It's a sad day when I can finally spell this correctly and I still get a red line underneath it!) earth on them.   First it was too hot and dry and now it is not wet, wet, but raining enough the pill bugs and slugs are having fun with the produce.  The slugs have made in roads into the hostas in the front garden.  Holes on the leaves everywhere.  I have also been picking slugs out of the nasturtiums flowers.  Yuck!  Hope none of them made it into the vinegar I'm making!  Oh, just a bit more protein I guess!  Well, we finally got the ivy cut and we can see out the windows and open and close them!  Getting a bit weary of that chore every year.  It is surprising how it hasn't ruined the mortar like everyone thinks it does.  Well, I'm going to close now.  Sorry this post is so late in the day.  I have had to put off the rose geranium jelly until tomorrow.  Have three recipes to make.  The temperatures will be dropping tomorrow so we need to think about last minute harvesting and herbs to transplant in the garden.  Always something doing.  Talk to you later.


  1. I saw one slug yesterday, haven't seen any of those in years, but we have had an over abundance of rain this year.

    It is still very hot and humid down here. We are SO ready for cooler weather.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. I will send some cool weather your way, FL! A big hug for you and DH. xxoo Nancy


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Lemon Verbena Lady