
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The End of an Herbal Magazine Era!

Well, I keep outliving magazines.  I guess it's the way it's going to be.  This one has been a particularly special one for me in the last several years.  Linda Ligon founded The Herb Companion in 1988 and in the last years Ogden Publications ran the herbal ship.  I was so fortunate to have my own blog, The Herb Channeler for the last year or so for The Herb Companion.  Thanks to K.C. Compton and Gina DeBacker for allowing me to blog for them.  I really loved the journey.  Now you will find my blogging abilities on Mother Earth Living, a combination of two of Linda Ligon's babies, The Herb Companion and Natural Home.

Hope you will continue to follow my herbal adventures with me.  I will still be blogging about herbs for Mother Earth Living.  Thanks to The Herb Companion magazine for all of the great herbal knowledge.  I know Mother Earth Living will continue the herbal journey.  For those of you who are asking, you will get Mother Earth Living if you either subscribed to The Herb Companion or Natural Home or both.  If you have five issues left on The Herb Companion subscription and 2 left on your Natural Home subscription, you will get 7 issues of Mother Earth Living.

Got to go trim the ivy.  An annual event!  Talk to you later.


  1. It's always sad when a magazine folds up. I've lost some that way, but when the economy went south, I stopped all magazine subscriptions as I just couldn't afford them anymore. I do have back issues galore and go through them from time to time.

    You'll do fine with your new writing space.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. Thanks FL. I will still miss my Herb Companion. I guess I will just have to keep bringing back back issues in my new blog. xxoo Nancy

  3. I read somewhere that the too were merging and hoped that you would be included in it still. Glad to see you'll be there since I recently renewed my subscription :0)

  4. Thanks Carol. You'll be getting the new magazine for your Herb Companion subscription. I'm sure they will put out a quality product. xxoo Nancy

  5. How sad - I treasure my old issues too. Nice to know you will still be writing & sharing all your knowledge. I remember when the old version of Early American Life folded. And the joy when they returned under new direction...perhaps we can have that hope for the Herb Companion....

  6. I'm going to get another plastic container and place them in there so they can be kept safe and I can still use them. I look at something in one of them almost every day! I don't think the return of The Herb Companion will happen, TO! Thanks for stopping by. xxoo Nancy

  7. I dont like the new name......too close to Mother Earth News. Ive read Herb Companion for many yrs and have lots of old issues here. Ive promoted it to, to other herb friends when asking me what are good magazines. Im sad to see it go.

  8. I am too, seanymph! Hopefully, Mother Earth Living will help ease the herbal pain! xxoo Nancy

  9. Very much appreciate your heads up on the old and new mags. I would not have picked up on it at all. There are only so many articles about basil that folks will read, so having a larger subject base will help have an interesting magazine. Now just hope they don't dumb down the articles and assume all the readers are reading their first article about herbs.

  10. Well, hope that doesn't happen, Mimi. We all will see together, won't we? Thanks for stopping by. xxoo Nancy

  11. I was sad to see that, too. I do like the new magazine, but it's not the same. I was one of the "Herb Companion" authors way back when (HERB COMPANION WISHBOOK) and loved working with Linda and the staff of Interweave. Thanks for carrying on some of the tradition, LVL! :-)

    bobbi c.

  12. Yes, it is just not the same, Bobbi! Loved Herb Companion. Wishing it was back. Just hoping that I give some of the herbal information because it's important to keep traditions alive! Thanks for stopping by! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady