
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Getting Ready for the Snow and BTW!

Well, Merry Christmas everyone!  I was awakened this morning by The Herbal Husband screaming get your camera and come take a picture of Santa's helpers.  We always get a visit this time of year by at least one of them.  This year was two of them.  The doe was under the grape arbor and once she got up and started to walk out of the garden, we saw she was limping.  The buck had his velvet antlers.  Never a dull moment for us.

They may come back later on to stay for the night.  I'll post another shot of the two of them on my Facebook page.  Hope you are having a great Christmas.  My turn to cook and I'm making Chicken Divan.  Here's a link for my recipe, Chicken Divan.  Snow, freezing rain, a general mess coming our way tonight.  I told The Herbal Husband, "Just chill!  We don't have to go anywhere!"  Always a good thing.  Stay safe wherever you may be.


  1. Love the pics of real live Santa's helpers. It looks like in the one picture of the doe that she is holding up her right back leg. The poor dear :-) I do hope she'll be feeling much better soon.

    I'm going to try your chicken divan with some turkey. Sounds good to me.

    Love and hugs to you and Herbal Husband.


  2. We had a dusting of snow last night and tomorrow into Thursday is the big snow. I was with Norm yesterday and will be there later, but am home the next 2 days.

  3. Oh hugs to your herbal husband for getting you the camera so us blog readers can enjoy it too!

    Love Leanne

  4. I hope they can find shelter from the approaching storm, FL. Turkey would work in the recipe as well. Love to you dear FL.

    Stay safe Peggy! Snow and sleet isn't worth going outside for. Sending positive energy your way.

    Hey, Leanne, trying to get my beauty sleep! LOL! Yes, he is my survivor when I need to take a photo.

    Thanks everyone for stopping by on Christmas! xxoo LVL and The Herbal Husband

  5. Your visitors look quite similar to ours! And the reason we have added tall fencing around the raised beds. Stay snug & warm -hope your snowfall is just pretty & doesn't get too messy

  6. Yes, TO, we started without fencing in our garden. I don't think The Herbal Husband would build high unless the deer really ate everything and fortunately, we don't have a herd yet! Our deer issues seem to be sporadic. The snow is pretty at the moment, we only had brief freezing rain. Going to stay in! xxoo LVL and The Herbal Husband

  7. Love the deer photos!!They are so beautiful and graceful. I see them here but have yet to get a picture of them.


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Lemon Verbena Lady