
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My 2012 Christmas Ornament Project-Lamb's Ear Style!

My Work Space!  Can It Get Any Smaller?
The Type of Pins I  Used
Starting to Pin and Glue the Leaves
Don't Look Too Closely!
Well, some projects get thrown under the bus or away from the bus and don't make the cut.  I'm always crying about the lack of space in the basement.  Somehow that translates to less space than when I started complaining.  So I'm very quiet these days.  Translation I forget what I'm doing.  The top photo was taken around the middle of November.  I was going to give you the instructions that I found online and everything for this ornament.  I think I wasn't excited about the finished product.  I get too perfect!  Sorry it's my Virgo background.  So here is a link to the lamb's ear ornament.  I also need to go buy a bottle of tacky glue.  I think it would work a bit better than Elmer's.  Though Elmer's did work pretty good.  I did a combination of things.  I also found a website that talked about using straight pins when the boy scouts made their project.  Yikes, that sounds a bit scary!  No Boy Scouts were harmed in the making of this project!

My Lamb Ear Ornament

Tacky or All-Purpose Glue (I would have used Tacky glue, but mine had dried out completely!)
3" Styrofoam ball or the size you want
8 to 10 5 or 6" Lambs Ear leaves
Straight pins

So you just want to make sure that your leaves overlap and that you use enough glue to glue them down.  I used straight pins with ball ends to hold the ends of the leaves down.  Then after I made my bow, I used a couple more straight pins with red heads to stabilize the bow.

I also found in my search a lamb ornament made out of the parts of the lamb ear's plant by Fairegarden in Tennessee.  Hope I don't get in trouble with the copyright thing on her photos!  Very cute and if I can remember at blooming time this year, I'm try to make one for you.  Couldn't get a caption on one of the photos, but you get the idea hopefully.  You'll have lots of time between now and this Christmas to get ornaments done!

Going to warm up now.  We are supposed to be 60 by the end of the week.  I have been exercising inside.  Much safer.  Hope you are having a wonderful day.  Talk to you later.


  1. I planted Lamb's ear last summer I'm not so sure what happened to it..I hope it comes back, I'd like to try this, and also the lavender ball which is shown on the site you recommended...Thank for the link and the great idea...

  2. You're in Ohio, Faith. You should be able to grow them. We did have a lot of heat early in the season. They might not have had enough additional water. I'm going to try that lavender ornament as well. Never enough time. xxoo LVL

  3. I think your ornament turned out lovely. I love the gray green color.

    Wow, you are going to have nice weather this weekend. It is warm and humid down here, have been using the a.c. some during the days. We had rain today which was nice as we really needed it.

    Have a nice evening ~ FlowerLady

  4. Those are so cut!!! My Lambs Ear did not survive the drought so I'll have to replant this spring. I'll try to remember to make these :0)

  5. Thanks FL. Yes, the weather is going to turn mild. Some of the containers indoors will go outside so I can do the laundry!

    Yes, they can be effected by drought, Carol. Glad you like them. I'll try to do them again later in the year.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by. xxoo LVL


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