
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Never Have Seen This Bloom!

The Flowers of Cuban Oregano!
The Leaves of Cuban Oregano
I have done several posts about this nontraditional oregano, Cuban Oregano.  I think my post from 2008 will give you a lot of good information.  It is called Not Your Typical Oregano!   I was just so pleased when The Herbal Husband pointed out the blooms to me today as we were watching the birds and cat drinking from the birdbath.  Both of the oreganos looked much better in my 2008 post.  These two are old and gnarly!  Oh, maybe like The Herbal Husband and I'm not far behind!  It is just frigid here.  The coldest we have been by far.

My buddy in New Zealand, Leanne at MandaBurms FarmStay brought up some points from my last post on nigella.  I need to round out my pages with a list of edible flowers and nonedible flowers.  I'll get those done shortly since I'm not working out in the garden or in the basement because of the cold!  Hope you are staying warm wherever you may be! Talk to you later.


  1. That's great that you got it to bloom! We are frigid here also, fortunately not tons of snow like out east of us.

  2. Oh I like that idea! A list of edible flowers. I hope you do it!

  3. I have been looking for this everywhere. I LOVE IT. I had one for years, but lost it somehow or other. Mine had a white edge to it.

    Did you grow yours from seed? I loved the fat velvety leaves and the aroma and using it in cooking fresh was great!


  4. I have found that many many of my herbs are in the old and gnarly category.... I am thinking this year will be replace replace replace... my sage gave out 4 years ago and I have not been able to get another to "take"... I guess at this point I could just put the new one where the old one was..... ha ha. enjoyed the Cuban flowering pic.... have never gotten a cuban to go more than a year or two...

  5. I had this herb many years ago. It was given to me by a dear friend from Trinidad. she gave me a cutting and I kept it going for several years but then I lost it. I wish I had some. I love having plants around me that remind me of people. (Mine never bloomed)

  6. Yes, I just can't believe what goes on our windowsills in the winter. Especially this cold winter!

    Dorothy, I'm going to get on it tomorrow or Friday when it's supposed to snow here.

    No, I think it was a plant FL. I'm pretty sure. We need to take cuttings and start new plants.

    It is a big cycle, Mimi. Some herbs do well in the old and gnarly stage, but others don't!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by. xxoo LVL


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Lemon Verbena Lady