
Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Calm Before the Storm!

Still very cold here!  Just had to show you the sunset tonight.  Probably could have waited another minute or two, but I might have been frozen to the pavement if I had!  It was a beautiful day here albeit FREEZING!  We are going to get some snow starting tomorrow afternoon.  So we planned our shopping and lunch trips today so we would be ready.  Got some extra milk, etc.  Had the TP and bread covered already!  Going to be working on lists for you and an herbal tea post (because it is National Hot Tea Month) and it is almost gone!  Hope you had a warm and sunny day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. Keep warm herbal sister!! xxx freezing here too... brrrrrr!xxx

  2. Thanks HS for stopping by! Stay warm with the kitties! xxoo LVL

  3. Won't you be glad when winter is over and still 2 months to go! We don't seem quite so cold today. Got about 2" of new snow, but it's still coming down lightly.

  4. Yes, we've only just begun, Peggy! We were just out shoveling! We were spoiled last year! Take care. xxoo LVL


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Lemon Verbena Lady