
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Very Attentive At the Feeder!

Right in the center of the photo is a female cardinal.  They are the most active besides the sparrows and the blue jays this time of year.  They love to eat at dusk, but lately because of the cold The Herbal Husband has been showering them with extra food and treats.  They are in sharp contrast with their colorful feathers in the snowy landscape.  They do eat in pairs with the male standing guard while the female eats away.  In the evenings we have had up to eight pairs dining in the twilight.  We got a bit more shoveling done.  Hopefully we won't have to shovel again tomorrow and then we are in for a warm up come Tuesday into Wednesday.  Back to the 50's!  Going to see Bill Murray in his portrayal of FDR in Hyde Park on Hudson tomorrow.  Will let you know what I think.  Hope you are having a great day.  I think it's time of tea.  Talk to you later.


  1. I've been watching the birds at the feeders this week also. We still don't have any snow to talk about. Keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow though ♥

  2. I think it's always wonderful to see cardinals in snowy scenes.

    Have a lovely Sunday ~ FlowerLady

  3. Snow is nice when you don't have to go out in it,Carol. We are supposed to get a wintery mix tonight into tomorrow! Stay warm! I know you'll get snow soon. xxoo

    They were all too fast for me, FL. Coming and going! Fun to watch though. xxoo

    Thanks for stopping by ladies! xxoo LVL

  4. How sweet to serve special twight dinners for the cardinal couples...sounds like the word must be getting out with 8 pairs in attendance! What are the special extras that the enjoy? Donna

  5. Hi D&MS, Well, the cardinals do like safflower and pretty much no one else does. So the cardinals get an extra helping of safflower at the end of the day. The bluejays are getting an extra caddy of peanuts because they are so much fun to watch. When the crows are around they wait to be fed by the bluejays. I'm not making it up! The bluejay will toss a peanut to the crow waiting on the driveway. I wish I had a photo or two. It is very comical. Thanks for your comment. xxoo LVL


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Lemon Verbena Lady