
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Different From One Day to the Next!

'Berggarten' Sage Holding Its Own
As you can see we have already lost the snow, but we may have a coating again by tonight!  Just typical weather for February in the 'Burgh.  People have started to ask about whether we have started to plan our garden.  Usually by this time, we have our seeds ordered.  For some reason, we have not done a thing.  The seed box is on the shelf in the garage and The Herbal Husband's car is blocking an attempt at gaining access to said box.  So we have done nothing.

My herbal sister in England, Debs Cook, has picked up the gauntlet and is possessed with starting every herb known to exist.  Just a slight exaggeration, but she is close!  We don't have a lot of indoor seed starting capability so we have gone to buying plants and starting seeds that wouldn't otherwise need an indoor start.  It works quite nicely.

Was out briskly walking the garden.  We have gone from 40's into the 20's with the wind blowing!  I think I have lost some herbs that in the milder winter last year have done better.  Hope you have had a great day and like Debs, you have started a few or a lot of seeds.  Talk to you later.


  1. I am doing a better job watering this winter...we shall see. I usually loose my rosemary and lavender as it drys out too much.

  2. Well, I'm supposed to be Lemon Verbena Lady, Bernideen and my lemon verbena looks a bit gnarly! A post for another time! Yes, especially rosemarys can be alive one day and dead the next! xxoo Nancy

  3. We had 'cold' weather down here over the weekend. Today it was beautiful! I worked outside and it felt so good. It was just what I needed.

    One friend gave me a small pot of Cuban Oregano ~ Plectranthus amboinicus and another gave me cuttings from her huge plant. I am so excited to have this plant again. I bought a pineapple sage, snipped the top, and rooted it in water, and now have it planted in some good potting soil. I also bought a beautiful rosemary plant. I have common sage seeds to plant and some of Russian tarragon, and basil too. I've got lots of flower seeds to plant too, hopefully will soon.

    Hope you don't get too much snow.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

  4. Hi FL, The Herbal Husband's niece and nephew and their family is in Orlando vacationing from Peru and we have been telling them to bring jackets because it might be cool. Looks like you have been busy with herbs. Always a wonderful feeling, isn't it? Sending you a cold breeze with big snowflakes at the moment! xxoo LVL and The Herbal Husband

  5. LOL! Possessed, well I did say it... You should see what I have planned still to plant! I've only sowed small modules with 3 - 20 seeds (depending on type and size) and I have a greenhouse, all the window ledges in the house (much to Poppy's disgust!), some are curiosities like the mandrake and the allspice, not sure how well they'll grow. It felt goo to have my hands back in the compost again, more doing less talking about doing it :) I used to sow oodles of seeds per type and have loads left over, learnt my lesson now and just sow enough for me. If we had a local herb garden I'd donate any spares but we haven't! YOu post did make me chuckle, hope you get the chance to sow and grow very soon and the snow goes away very quickly much love HS xxx

  6. Ohhh Cuban Oregano.... I haven't heard of that one :) I have about 15 different varieties of basil to sow yet for a basil trial I'm doing for a magazine article! My lemon verbena is looking a bit ropey, gave it a chop and a little TLC on Sunday and hoping for the best :)

  7. I haven't started any seeds yet either. For some reason this year I have been a bit lazy. With the kitchen mess still going on I haven't felt much like gardening. We have had a cold winter for us here in So. Ca. Not sure when I will get out to work the beds, but soon I hope.

    I think you are in for some cold, snowy weather Nancy. I watched the weather channel this afternoon and it looks like the east coasters are in for a storm. Take care and pray for sun!

  8. Well, HS, we really don't have the room because all of our window sills are filled with mature plants in rather large containers that should be outside, but can't be. I have some seeds that never got planted last year and hope that they will sprout out in May some time. Sad to say that my lemon verbena that came inside is feeling the effects (or is it affects) of keeping its leaves on most of the winter. I usually use the leaves or they drop and some have dropped but most stayed on and it's looking a bit ropey as well! I am lose my title! You don't know about Cuban oregano. Was used as a bedding plant in Victorian times. Very aromatic. The pressure is on for all of those basils to germinate. Ocimum prayers are being sent your way. xxoo

    We are a bit inland from the coast, Carla. I'm thinking we won't get too much snow, but I'm not paying attention to the big ones coming east. Sometime they do the Pittsburgh splits and divide before they get to us. You must be in the final stages of your kitchen renovations! Lucky you. We have started to pick out appliances and fixtures for the basement bath. Yippee! xxoo

    Thanks for stopping by ladies. Nancy

  9. Our snow is probably headed your way. We have 3" but I don't think it's done and it came fast! Only good thing about all this is that it melts first before we get more, so we don't flood.

  10. The white flakes are falling right now as I write, Peggy! You're doing a very good job. You can stop sending snow our way, please! xxoo LVL


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady