
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Letting It Snow Some More!

The Herbal Husband making it snow some more!  We got more than a dusting or a half an inch like they predicted.  My blogging friend, Peggy R, warned me yesterday.  Didn't want to believe her!  We have an opening for at one of the three local news stations, Peggy!  You're a better forecaster than they are!  Well don't look now but we are warming up the next four days but some freezing rain before it turns to all rain.  So the garden will be uncovered again by next week.  I'm not going to say we turned the corner because March is a wild month of temperature fluctuations and lots of kinds of precipitation.  The Herbal Husband's birth month.  I don't need to say any more.  Stay safe everyone!  Talk to you later.  P.S. As you can see by my new banner photo, it is starting to melt with a bit of sun at the end of the day.


  1. Enjoy your snow, pretty soon spring will be here.

    My birthday is also in March, the first day of spring.

    May you both have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. We got 8" last night and still coming. Schools re closed today. Have a great weekend!

  3. LOL sorry about your snow. I will say ours has melted so it must be warming up a bit. I'm not crazy about the freezing rain coming tomorrow and yes March can be a wild weather month!

  4. Yes, I'm counting the days, FL. A double bonus for the first day of spring and your birthday! Have a happy weekend yourself. Positive energy from us to you. xxoo LVL and The Herbal Husband

    We just got 2 and something inches. Eight inches and more to come! Pour yourself a cup of tea! xxoo LVL

    I forgive you Peggy! You really were right on with the snow totals. We did get what you got yesterday. We are getting some freezing rain tomorrow that will turn to all rain by tomorrow afternoon! Stay safe. xxoo Nancy

  5. It started here at 3 this afternoon... glad to be inside! xxx

  6. I hope for goodness sake that you are sending it north of you and not east, pretty please!:)xxoo LVL


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Lemon Verbena Lady