
Friday, March 29, 2013

A Sign of Regrowth, Plant Signs and Happy Easter!

Can Always Find Lemon Balm
A Bed Full of Plant Signs and Not Much Green!
The German Chamomile Has Survived!
One of My Favorites, Feverfew!
And the Dianthus is Looking Good!
Well, took a walk about in the garden and there is actually a lot of green showing up.  It is still a pretty mucky mess as they say in England.  Deer poop, lots to cut down, lots to dig out, lots to get excited about and always overwhelming this time of year.  This time last year, we were planted and cut back and lots of growth had already started.  It will be a much slower process this season.  It will be a season for at least one trip to England for me.  The Herbal Husband is staying behind and holding down the fort as he does each season anyway.  I'm also reading Sydney Eddison's book, Gardening for a Lifetime and will be giving you my review of it shortly for Timber Press.  I've decided while I'm still young to garden a bit differently hopefully sooner than later.

I saw the Federal Express van pull up yesterday afternoon and this is what it brought.  A beautiful bouquet of two dozen roses from our friends in Uruguay.  Thanks to Mario, Judith and Daniel for their Easter gift.
Easter Roses from Uruguay!
So even though they aren't quite tuilips and daffodils (Still looking forward to those.), I hope all of you have a very blessed and happy Easter.  I'll talk to you next week.


  1. I always think of you when I brush past my Lemon Verbena in the garden - our climate is mild (no snow) and the Lemon Verbena is thee all year round - she is flowering at the moment.
    Love Leanne

  2. I'm thinking that my lemon verbena which came back last year has bitten the dust this year. I have not uncovered so I'll keep my fingers crossed! Thanks for stopping, dear Leanne. xo LVL

  3. Glad to see some life in your gardens.

    Hope you and Herbal Husband have a lovely Easter.


  4. Thanks, FL. I am happy as well. Hope you have a blessed Easter. xo LVL and The Herbal Husband

  5. I've just started reading your blog and find it wonderful to see all these herbs popping their heads up after a winter's rest. Thanks for sharing with us!

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Laurie. Yes, we are just starting the process to seeing what's coming back! Winter was harsh for us this season. Happy Easter to you and your family. xo Nancy

  7. I bought the Eddison book for my mother a while ago--she read it, gave it back to me! Basically, cut back, more shrubs, easy care perennials and hiring help. She is doing all of it, concentrating on pots on the deck for more unusual, labor intensive plants.

    Just when we get really good at gardening, our bodies start to turn on us!!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady