
Tuesday, April 2, 2013


The Front Garden Looks a Bit Tatty!
There Are Signs of Life!
Really There Are!
Here Some Daffodils Ready to Bloom!  Well, Not Quite Yet!
I was really hoping that we would work over the weekend to get the front garden in shape.  This is all the further I got and we had flurries yesterday and I was wearing my hood and gloves while shopping this morning.  Still cold here.  Maybe Thursday we are going to start to warm up!  Hoping.  Hope it is warmer where you may be.  Everything is different from last year.  We had already had 80 in March several times.  Not this year.  We were briefly in the 50's over the weekend.  Hopefully we will get there again at the end of this week.  We are very behind on everything.  Hope you are making headway in your garden.  If we can just get rid of the 20's and 30's as temperatures, we will be looking up!  Talk to you later.


  1. Way too darn cold here for me. Wind is right out of the North. Sun is very deceiving.

  2. Really it is still freezing here, Peggy! Looks like Norm and you had a nice Easter and he definitely got his share of Easter dinner!LOL xo

  3. Hi there, I see a few signs of life peeking out in your yard! It's finally warming up here, our garden is all up, we have peas and potatoes a few inches high. The greenhouse is full of tomatoes, I know what I'll be doing this summer!
    Have a great week, it'll be warm before you know it!

  4. I see some green coming up in my garden too - daffodils and tulips. I know the squirrels pulled some out as I occasionally saw some bulbs on top and had to replant them. Today we may have snow and we are officially on water restrictions because we needed so much more snow this winter than we got.

  5. Coveting your bare ground though - my daffy's are about 1" out of the ground and that is the only snow free spot - a raised bed up against the south side of the just has to start warming soon!

  6. It was very sunny and around 50 here today. The Daffs are blooming and I'm stuck working inside. Hopefully tomorrow I"ll get out in the yard a bit ♥

  7. Your early April looks much the same as mine! My spring bulbs - daffodils etc are a bit further along than yours Ah they say April is the cruelest month!

  8. This has been a March and April -- snow was predicted here today and it's cold -- the jonquils are not blooming as they should -- touched by cold when they crew too much in the warmth before the cold. The herbs are awakening, however!

  9. Can't wait until things start to 'green up'! It's been a long cold winter!

  10. Hi Dorothy, Maybe it's good that we don't have too much going on because it would be damaged by frost.

    Hi Bernideen, Have never seen a squirrel pull a bulb out the ground. I think we got a lot of your snow. We have had precipitation just about every day in March and it has finally quieted down in April.

    You are behind us, TO and we are really behind this year. I think we are going to go from 0 to 60 in a flash.

    Keep sending the warmer weather our way, Carol.:)

    Yes, Martha, spring will be very welcomed here. Can't wait to get out and work a bit in the garden.

    It has been a long, long winter, Rosemary!

    Thanks ladies for stopping by and making my day!:)

  11. Yippee! It is coming to you!



  12. We had flurries yesterday, Sharon! I think we have almost turned the corner. One more 20's night and then it's onward and upward. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady