
Friday, April 5, 2013

Finally, Spring Weather and It May Be Here for Awhile!

Well, this doesn't look like much but you have to start somewhere.  I'm just pacing myself so I don't collapse in a heap!  Have a lot to do, but The Herbal Husband was inside working on framing and hanging some watercolors from my Great Aunt and so I headed outside.  As you can see in the banner page, the daffodils have finally started to bloom and I uncovered a few more that should get greened up and start to bud soon.  We are just going to jump to the 70's come next week and I guess I can't wait.  We need to get the front looking nice and then mow the grasses down next week.  Very late for that project.  So I hope your weather is cooperating where you are.  Talk to you later.


  1. Your banner looks very encouraging!!!!

  2. We're still pretty cool here. But I've been out cleaning here and there.

  3. Thanks Bernideen!

    Yes, Peggy, we were windy, but a bit warmer today. Tomorrow is going to be very nice. Can't wait.

    Thanks for stopping by ladies. xo

  4. Your daffodils are lovely - mine are still about an inch or so. - tomorrow a nasty mix of snow, sleet, ice and rain. Yuck.
    We just can't seem to get a start here. Everything is still snowcovered. ...

    Enjoy the fresh air and being outdoors

  5. Autumn has hit and in a few weeks I will be planting daffodils.
    Love Leanne

  6. Our daffs have been up forever, TO and not done anything, but we are going to have a surge this week and everything is going to break bud and bloom! Yippee! Hope you start to get warm soon! xo

    I just can't get over that we aren't just one big happy:) season, Leanne. Enjoy planting those daffodils! xo

    Thanks for stopping by ladies.


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Lemon Verbena Lady