
Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Great Aunt's Watercolors!

The Ever Popular Edible Dandelion
A Still life of Vegetables
A Farmhouse in the Area
Her Favorite Flowers, Daylilies!
My great aunt married my great uncle on my mother's side of the family when she was 22 or 23 and he was 55.  He was her Sunday school teacher at church.  It was a scandal in the family, but love and faith forge a great relationship and they were married for 33 years until my great uncle died at 88.

While we have been getting things out of the attic and sorting through them, The Herbal Husband said to me the other day, "What should we do with your great aunt's watercolors?"  I asked, "What watercolors?"  He said, "Well, when we went to the funeral and her nephew said to everyone, just take what you want.  I spotted them on a shelf and put them in a box for us to keep."  Good man.  I will try to pass them on to one of her direct family members, but for now they are safe and finally on the wall in our dining room.

It is starting to warm up here.  We did have one last cold (20's) night and now we are going to have rain showers and warm temperatures.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. What a great love story, and lovely watercolors. How great that your dear HH thought to take these and now they are gracing you dining room walls.

    It's supposed to be in the mid 70's with a chance of showers today and tomorrow.

    Have a lovely weekend to both of you,

  2. Nancy, she was very talented. I think it is wonderful that you finally have them displayed so that you may enjoy them.

    Your area sure has had it share of cold spring days. My goodness, I hope the East finally sees some warm spring days soon.

  3. Tell your hubby he done good in keeping the paintings, and they are gorgeous!

  4. Your great-aunt's watercolors are just beautiful! I like the daylilies the best, I think. (You have a good hubby!)

  5. Yes, it was a great love story, FL. I'm glad he kept them so we could enjoy them and think of her. We are going to be in the 60's tomorrow with rain showers as well. Have a beautiful Sunday, FL. xo

    Hi Carla, She was very talented and I'm glad we can think of her and enjoy them. We are on the way up in temperature finally. Spent the afternoon outside and I'll share that tomorrow.

    Thanks Terra. He is really a thoughtful person except when he is in the car! Let's put it this way I drive for your safety and mine!

    Dorothy, The Herbal Husband thinks that that was her latest work because he also thinks it was her best as well. He is a good person.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by. xo

  6. What a great story of a May/December romance that turned out well and what beautiful watercolors she did!

  7. Yes, I really think they were a special couple and she was a very talented lady! Thanks for stopping by. xo


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