
Monday, April 8, 2013

Be Careful What You Want to Weed This Time of Year and An After Photo!

Really This Looks A Lot Better Than Before!
Look What I Found!
Besides the sticks and strings that you have to preserve in our garden, it was just a whole lot of cutting over a couple of days and we still have some to go.  I wanted to remind you though that what you may want to take out may have a beneficial aspect to it.  We have the ever invasive hummingbird vine (Campsis radicans) and it was in our shrubbery.  Now would be a good time to remove it, right?  Wrong!  Look what I found, a egg case of a praying mantis.  We have had them in the past and I actually watched one hatch one day in the spring several years ago.  I also had ladybugs and eggs in the tansy I want to move from the herb garden.  So be careful what you wish for.

Glorious weather here in the 'Burgh.  Going to mow down the grasses today while it is sunny and warm.  Rain arrives this afternoon maybe.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. I cleared out the front driveway flowerbed yesterday :) Of course today I'm barely moving LOL!But things are starting to look good and alive around here ♥♥♥♥♥

  2. I have been taking a lot of Tylenol, Carol! When I get up out of my recliner, it's hard to move! LOL! It is great to finally be outside! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady