
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Been a Bit Distracted Lately and Getting Ready For Saturn!

Well, it's the calm before the storm here and they are calling it Saturn.  Yikes, we're going to start naming every significant storm.  Don't think I like that.  Well, went out and took some photos in the garden.  I think I lost my beautiful golden sage!  After a mild winter last year and a hot summer, it was beautiful.  It looks pretty toasted at the moment.  Golden sage is not always hardy for us in the 'Burgh.

Thought I would blog a lot this winter.  Sorry it didn't happen.  Then decided to clean out the attic and that's where I have been for the last week or so.  Ah, the memories, good and bad.  Always happens.  Well, before we get too much older, we needed to start cleaning stuff (don't want to say junk) out!  After Saturn passes, I'm going with my herbal companion, Bonnie to the Philadelphia Flower Show.  It is really a beautiful blue sky day here.  Hope you are having a good day.  I'll fill you in on our adventures next week.  Talk to you later.


  1. It does seem kind of ridiculous to be naming every storm that comes along. As if we don't have enough to think about.

    Sorry about your sage. It's always sad when a plant 'bites the dust'.

    Hopefully spring will come to you soon and Saturn doesn't bring you too much bad weather.

    Love and hugs to you both,


  2. Oh cleaning out is such a chore! I need to work in my basement rubbermaid boxes... maybe later :) lol! Enjoy the flower show xxxx

  3. Oh I don't envy you with this one! We are on the edge of it, so it will be interesting to see what I wake up to tomorrow morning.

  4. Well, ladies it was heavy wet snow and the sun is already out and things are getting better already!

    Yes, CC taking boxes out of the attic creates more messes! It's everywhere in our little cottage!:)

    Well, as you can see Peggy it is bright and sunny now!

    Thanks for stopping by as always!
    xxoo LVL


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Lemon Verbena Lady