
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Death in the Herbal Plant Family!

Unfortunately, this prostrate rosemary bit the dust in the last few days.  The battle every year when plants come inside is where they are going to winter over.  We have old drafty windows and actually the windowsills are the best places for especially the rosemarys to reside.  We only had space enough for two and this third one was in the basement with some light but obviously not quite enough.  If I moved it to the garage, it mysteriously came back into the basement!  You get my herbal drift.  So we are into the home stretch now with all herbal houseplants.  So be particularly mindful that they are getting enough water and water and air circulation and that they aren't be attacked by spider mites or white flies or powdery mildew.  Two weeks until spring!  It can't come soon enough! Talk to you later.


  1. Sorry to hear you've lost a rosemary. I hope everything else survives.


  2. Yes, FL, it was hard to see it dead, but always a chance to buy a new plant. Thanks as always for stopping by. xxoo LVL

  3. I can commiserate with you - on Monday, 3 of my rosemary plants bid a sad farewell - they had struggled all winter & then developed powdery mildew - never have had that happen before. So the pots are empty and will be dsinfected and new plants purchased come Spring. Sigh.....

  4. I always have trouble over wintering Rosemary. I lose more than I save...but I keep on trying :0) I didn't buy a new one last summer so it's been a stress free plant winter...but I'm buying two for the front patio this year so we'll see what happens next winter.

  5. Always glad to have the company of my blogging friends! Thanks ladies. I feel better already! A chance to buy another in my future! xxoo LVL

  6. RIP rosemary, you fickle fickle woman. Every year staying until the bitter end, then taking a powder (pun intended) just before it's safe to put you outside. A sad, sad story, repeated every year.

  7. How very disappointing for you. I guess I don't know how easy I have it, I cut some rosemary from a plant in our garden earlier in the week to use in our supper.


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Lemon Verbena Lady