
Monday, March 11, 2013

Yes, We Went to England and Didn't Have to Fly!

Entrance to the Philadelphia Flower Show Through the Royal Gates
The 60's British Music Invasion-Peace Garden by Subaru
Old LP's Used as a Border to Hold Plants Back-Subaru
A Tranquil Garden Comes to Life-EP Henry
Daffodils from Michael Petrie's Handmade Gardens
Robertson's Flowers
I Think This is Part of Robertson's Flowers Display
Have Always Wanted a Moss Covered Chair!

Well, my herbal companion, Bonnie and I traveled east to the 2013 Philadelphia Flower Show on Thursday.  We were supposed to have afternoon tea at our favorite tea place, Sweet Remembrances but it didn't happen because Mother Nature sent snow our way.  As I hope you can see, we still had a nice time.  The photos can't really tell you how special some of the displays were.  It was a feast for the eyes and ears and in this winter of continuing snow, we needed some cheerful flowers and green plants to make us smile.  We even saw the Reppert sisters in all of the humanity and a friend that we hadn't seen in years from Pittsburgh.  I'll share more photos in the coming days.  Rain this afternoon then snow midweek.  Winter isn't done with us yet.  It was 71 here yesterday!  Talk to you later.


  1. What a lovely show, and I'm sure it was a welcome break from winter weather.

    It was beautiful here today. :-) Right now it's breezy and the windchimes are making music.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  2. It was FL! My bell is indoors at the moment. We are going to get snow again on Wednesday. Just enough to coat the ground. Ah, March! Very fickle month! Thanks for stopping by. xo LVL

  3. 71...????!!!!! We had 6 more inches of snow yesterday.
    The Show looks like a feast for the eyes - what beautiful settings - looking forward to more photos!

  4. Yes, TO 71 and now it's snowing. Not much but it is cold! No more 70's for a little while! xxoo LVL

  5. It looks wonderful. I do like that moss-covered chair.

  6. Thanks Tracey for stopping by as always! xxoo LVL


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Lemon Verbena Lady