
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Queen's Crown in Flowers

An Interpretation of the Queen's Crown
The pressed flower photos were just ridiculously wonderful.  I'm sorry my photos are not better, but the photo above is from a 12th grader!  It won a blue ribbon.

This is a Second Place Winner
Another Favorite of Mine
These Were Elementary School Entries!
Always love the pressed flower entries.  Very well done this year.  Will share more in the coming days.  On my way to a quilt show with my best friend.  We are between sun and snow today.  Typical March weather.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. oooo I have got into pressed flowers this last year. Would have loved to seen those:) thanks for sharing honey bunny! Love ya! Leslie xx

  2. Even the youngest ones were pretty impressive, Leslie! It was fun to see. xxoo LVL

  3. These are wonderful!!! Such imagination turned into lovely works of art.


  4. Yes, they were Rosemary. I just loved them.

    I bet you could do some of these FL. They were right up your alley!


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Lemon Verbena Lady