
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

This Had Better Be A March Thaw!

In case you didn't see this photo because it was on Facebook, here is another pepper growing on the windowsill overlooking the herb garden.  This was taken before the last snowstorm of the season hit.  I'm just going to will it not to snow again!  Hopefully, we will get to start some cleanup here in the garden shortly.  Hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. I normall have aleast one day out int he garden in march and then get to rake out the leaves in April, but the leaves are still frozen together over the plants! I think you will get a thaw before we do. Too close to Wisconsin here! M

  2. Well, we haven't been in normal temperature range yet for spring. We are finally going to get to 50 degrees over the weekend in time for Easter. It has been a long winter this year! Thanks for stopping by. xo LVL

  3. Good luck with no snow, we get most of this week. Warmish over the weekend and back down next week...grr..

  4. Heading towards the low 40's here in the northwoods - then back down to colder days next will be well into the month of April before bare ground is visible. Wonder whay my daffodils are doing under all that snow??

  5. I knowwww. I'm getting restless! This time last year I had all my annual herbs in the ground! It will will come...

  6. Well, Peggy, I going to hold out hope! Happy Easter to you and Norm and Brandy! xo

    You are really in the northwoods, TO. Our daffodils are up and budding so maybe I'm crying too much. xo

    Hi Stephen, yes, we were very spoiled from last year! Hope we can get out in our gardens soon! Thanks for stopping by. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady