
Monday, March 25, 2013

Yes, It's True!

Blooming Rosemary for Easter!
As you can see by my banner photo, Pittsburgh, we have more snow.  It is more like sleet at the moment though.  A heavy wet type.  The Herbal Husband is outside shoveling while I'm inside staying toasty.  I volunteered to go out and help, but I guess he didn't need it.:)  Well, on a happier note, the 'Arp' rosemary is blooming in time for Easter.  The sleet is coming down outside.  I think I had better get changed and go shovel.  Whistle while you work!  Still kind of crazy here with boxes everywhere.  Lots going on instead of gardening at the moment.  Will post when I can.  I think the first good day we are going to get here is Easter.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you when I can.


  1. Oh YIKES. I'm doing a sun dance for you guys.

    Sending love,


  2. Bravo for the rosemary, in spite of the wintery weather! Spring is coming... just hold out a bit longer!

  3. Always love seeing a blooming Rosemary... reminds me of mom!

  4. Thanks Dorothy, we will try.

    Yes, Yikes is the word of the day Sharon. Looking forward to the weekend and temps in the 40's or 50's.

    Thanks Barbara, I wanted to leave this 'Arp' out and needless to say, we would have lost it in the very cold and wintery season we have had!

    I know Rosemary. It makes me think of your entire family!

    Thanks ladies and I send love to each of you. xxoo LVL

  5. Lovely rosemary!! I see you received our leftover snow...sorry about that!! Will it ever end??

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I'm hoping this is it, TO! So don't be sending anything more, OK?:) It has been one heck of a winter. They were talking first day of spring numbers last year and we were 80's last year and 30's this year! Quite the difference! Thanks as always for stopping by. xo LVL

  8. Wow! I can almost get the rosemary to live through the winter, but I have enver gotten it to bloom. You are amazing! Marcy

  9. Sometimes when you let them get stressed a bit, they bloom. When plants come inside, it is all The Herbal Husband's thing. We water differently so I only water when he goes away. It works out well. Thanks for stopping by, Marcy! xo LVL


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