
Friday, June 7, 2013

Derby Part Two--Herb Plant and Book Collector and Poppy!

Debs'  Herb Collection Starts Inside with a Cardamom Plant!
Her Garden is Jammed Packed with Personality!
A Very Nice Seating Arrangement!
My Goal To Have a Greenhouse!
She Has Several of My Favorite, Lemon Verbena!
A Pineapple Sage in Bloom!
Mints for Her Upcoming Article in Garden News!
More Plants in a Cold Frame!
The Herbal Library!  We Have A Lot of Herb Books in Common!
The Entertainer of the Day, Poppy!
Well, I couldn't let my visit with Debs and Simon in Derby, England go by without showing you her collections both inside and outside.  Her herb garden is very charming and chock full of herbal goodies.  She has a greenhouse and two cold frames that house her unique and tropical herbs and plants that haven't found the exact home.  You have to live with The Herbal Husband, Debs.  He would find homes for those plants!  She has great passion for herbs and she writes about them almost every day in some way.  While I was visiting her latest article in Garden News came out.  She also mentioned me and my strawberry mint in her latest herb article which I think is out either this week or next.  If she gives a link on Facebook, I will link it here. Finally, that entertaining cat, Poppy.  I don't have actual footage, but I personally saw her playing with a ball of paper to the delight of all.  Inside Hardwick Hall photos in a later post.  Herbal sisters forever!  Hope you are having a great day.  Has been raining here so we are very lush and green.  Talk to you later. 


  1. Oh droool I love looking at what is on peoples bookshelves I think bookshelves say a lot about folk. SMILE.
    Poppy looks a darling.
    Love Leanne

  2. Enjoying (and envious!) your English photos. The bloomong pineapple sage is so pretty. With our short summers mine usually gets to blooming and then we hit frost ..

    Lots of rain here too - very green also but seedlings and plants would like a dose of warm sunshine.

  3. I know, Leanne and we have a lot of the same books! Great herbal minds think alike! xo

    Yes, TO, we have a short season sometimes for pineapple sage. Yes, summer may be delayed here as well. xo

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady