
Monday, June 10, 2013

Herbally Blooming in June!

We used to Have a Bunch of Angelica.  Now Only a Couple!
Lovage in Bloom!
My Favorite Rose, The Apothecary's Rose!
Three of my favorite herbs this time of year.  The angelica was like a hedge several years ago.  Now we just have a couple in the herb garden.  Be careful on a sunny day not to cut it back because if you are photosensitive, you will get a rash like I did in this post for Herb Companion now Mother Earth Living called Contact Dermatitis Causes in the Garden.  The arm shot is mine not from the Mayo Clinic!

The lovage is in full bloom as well.  This herb tastes like celery on steroids.  I use it when I make The Herbal Husband's favorite chicken stew recipe.  Here is that original post called A Good Night for Chicken Stew!  The last time I made it, I just used 2 cups of chicken broth because orange juice and I don't get along any more!  It worked just fine.  My stomach was much happier!

The apothecary's rose is a very ancient rose, 10th or 12th century.  Every herbalist back in Medieval times had it in their gardens.  If it hadn't rained so much I would have made some rose petal jelly, but here is the post with the recipe called Well, It's More Like Jelly if you would like to make it with your rose petals.  Just make sure they are organically grown.  We are having rain with typical humidity for the 'Burgh.  Hope you are having a great day.  More England in the next post.  Talk to you later.


  1. Yes I think we all have an invasive "mistake" or two in our gardens. Mine is the Passion Vine I thought I just had to have. Now it is popping up every where :( Even in the veggie garden :( I am constantly trying to rid it for somewhere. My garden is getting away form me more and more every day this year :(

  2. Thanks Carol for stopping by. I'm really struggling with the garden this year more than other years! xo

  3. Those are great photos. My Lovage was lost ing hte flood, so i am enjoying looking at yours - very tall!

  4. Sorry about your lovage Marcy. I really love that herb and the four-lined bug loves it as well.:(


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Lemon Verbena Lady