
Monday, August 19, 2013

Garden in the Park Day with the Master Gardeners!

The Demonstration Gardens Were Amazingly Full!
There Are A Ton of Pollinators in These Gardens!
The Herb Garden Was Very Full!
Ready for Harvesting!
Some of My Favorite Nasturtiums!
The Lemon Verbena Was Either New or Not Doing So Well!
My Buddies, Susan and Shelley Were Fielding Gardenline Questions!
Lyn, The Garlic Guru!
Digging Potatoes with the Kids!
Used with His Permission, The Herbal Husband and an Extraordinary Pineapple Sage 'Golden Delicious'!
The Entrance Garden Has a Bit of Irrigation Help!
Since it was the perfect day on Saturday, we managed to go over to attend the festivities at Garden in the Park in one of our country parks, North Park.  We were there later so we missed the ice cream from the Creamery at Penn State, but we did get to see some of my buddies from the extension office and master gardening days.  Lots of people with kids and dogs asking about and trying various tasks in the garden and tasting tomatoes, basil and garlic.  The lemon verbena in the herb garden not doing so well or it did so well that it was replaced by a smaller version.  The 'Golden Delicious' pineapple sage was amazing.  I could do a boat load of jelly from those plants.  Great job to all of the master gardeners and local organizations who participated.  Everyone got a lot of good information and some tasty treats!

It rained early here.  I hear there is good news and bad news in the garden.  The good news is that we are going to have a great crop of raspberries, the bad news is is the stink bugs are eating them as well.  So I'm going to put on my gloves and get a jar of soapy water and we'll get them!  This stink bug is quite a problem.  It has been attacking my lemon verbenas in the herb garden.  They make cuts in the stems and suck out the liquid.  That produces two things a weakened stem, but new leaves.  So it's good and bad.  If it continues to make cuts it can kill the plants.  Grr!  The Herbal Husband brought one of my lemon verbenas that is in a container in overnight last night to protect and brought the stink bug in with it!  Clever insects!  Not such clever gardeners!  Well, I hope you have had a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.


  1. It looks like an enjoyable day out. I bet the potato digging was a hit, I always find that very satisfying.

  2. It was Tracey and The Herbal Husband got two potatoes for us! A big kid at heart! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady