
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Getting the Herb Garden Chores Done!

Weeding the Herb Garden!
Finished Thyme on the Patio!
This Garlic Chive Wanted to Survive!
Found a Lonely Plant of Perilla!
Maybe Making Tangerine Sage Jelly This Year!
I can't believe that the summer season has about five weeks until it ends.  We generally have a great fall season though including enough rainfall and warm, sunny days.  We have had a weird summer this year almost too much rain at times and not too hot.

That first photo doesn't look like much but I will say it again.  Don't make your first herb garden too big.  I like the size of mine because, it has never become too much to take care of.  I try to spend at least an hour walking around and pulling weeds as I see them.  Spend as much time as you have.  It always lifts my spirits when I do. The second photo reminds me that I love herbs for not just their flavor but their ornamental value as well.  Several years ago, I had a plant of perilla and it still survives.  Not quite where I want it, but there is always next year.  Finally, I have started to make jelly and I'll be making that until frost hits the raspberries and herbs.  So hopefully, you are harvesting and getting your herbs preserved for winter.  We'll talk about that in the next posts.  Talk to you later.


  1. What perfect timing. I wandered around my herb garden this morning ( in my robe ) pulled a few weeds, watered, and was very grateful it was not any bigger.

    Thank-you for your encouragement in herb gardening. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed , but my herbs thrive even when I have been inattentive. That is the beauty and practical appreciation of herbs, they DO thrive.

  2. My herb garden has done well this year. I cut back the oregano hard before it flowered and dried lots. Now it has produced another crop. My rosemary didn't survive the winter, but I took a few cuttings from the last living bits, and I am pleased that these are growing nicely now.

  3. What a lovely, inspiring post. I really need to get out to work in my gardens, but it's just too miserable out to do very much. I so look forward to fall weather.

    I bet our kitchen smells wonderful with all of your jelly making going on.

    Happy gardening and living ~ FlowerLady

  4. We are in a typical August hot and dry spell now after a very cool July. Weird summer here also but now seems like it remembers we are running out of growing days. My little herbal area did poorly this season. Dear Husband says he will build a new raised bed by the potting shed next spring. We have added compost and top soil to the ground area but the base is still clay. Tired of dealing with it.
    So for now moving the remaining herbs into the veggie garden beds to winter over and prepare for next Spring. But gardeners always think that way - there is always next year!!
    Enjoy you sunny days - so love your brick pathways!!

  5. Thanks ladies for stopping by and for your comments which inspire me everyday when I'm writing. xo

  6. Hi I am a new follower to your lovely blog and it really feel pleasure meeting new awesome bloggers like you. I made a pallet herb garden and I love it! I live in a small apartment with a small balcony so it was logical to me. I'm probably have 20 herbs on mine and it would take up so much space to individually pot all those! earlier i had a herbal garden and i used to get lot of extras from it so use to sell the Herb blends in the local market.

  7. First of all, Lauren Martin, thanks for following my blog. I think it is great that you have an apt. sized herb garden. Hope I can keep inspiring you. Sounds like you have a lot of knowledge already! Let me know if there is something you would like to learn more about in the herb world. xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady