
Friday, October 18, 2013

Decisions, Decisions, Herbally Speaking!

'Rose Velvet' and 'Rober's Lemon Rose' Scented Geraniums
'Lemon Meringue' Scented Geranium
A Sprout From the Bottom of the Plant!
I think that this is the other favorite herb that I wanted to talk about the other day!  I knew it would come to me eventually!  Well, we are noticeably cooler today than yesterday.  It's going to rain again tomorrow.  Now we have to decide when the rose geranium jelly gets set up and whether to take the 'Lemon Meringue' scented geranium inside.  I do love all lemon herbs even lemon balm.  As you can see the lemon meringue geranium has a little sprout at the bottom so I think we will be cutting it back and taking in that little sprout.  It should survive the winter nicely inside.  Hopefully there will be a bit of windowsill space left for it!

The Herbal Husband has been working on the annual project of cutting the ivy.  He leaves for Peru three weeks from today.  Not counting the days yet.  Just the weeks!  Hope you have had a great day.  Have a great weekend.  Talk to you next week.


  1. I love scented geraniums. I've had a couple here in s.e. FL, but alas they bit the dust and I no longer have them.

    Have a lovely weekend with HH.

    Love and hugs to you both ~ FlowerLady

  2. 'Lemon Meringue' scented geranium just makes me feel hungry!

  3. It is probably too humid and wet, maybe? South Africa is their native land. So I'm thinking it is very sunny and drier than FL, FL! xo

    Yes, Tracey, lemon meringue remains me of my mother's mother. She made the best lemon meringue pie. xo

    Thanks ladies for stopping by!


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Lemon Verbena Lady