
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

In Celebration of Chives!

The Herb Society's In Celebration of Chives Compiled by Guy Cooper & Gordon Taylor
Cut a Huge Bit of Chives Down for the Freezer
Two Containers for the Freezer Full of Sliced Up Chives!
Before I Pour in the Egg Beaters at Breakfast with Chives!
Always Have to Take That Bite!
Well, I said in my last post that I would talk about another favorite herb in my next post.  Couldn't think of what that might be!  Ha!  The mind even with herbs is going fast!  So, chives is one of the easiest herbs to grow and use.  I got my first clump of chives from a friend and it is still going strong.

I came across a quartet of small booklets from the UK several years ago.  In Celebration of Chives is one of them by Guy Cooper and Gordon Taylor.  Not a big book.  Only 48 pages, but jammed with historical, cultural and culinary information.  Just about half of this booklet is recipes.

One of my favorite ways to use chives is in my Egg Beaters at breakfast.  I wrote about chives for The Herb Companion (now Mother Earth Living) called Spring Favorites:  The Good, The Bad and the Curly Chives.  You'll find the recipe for Hungry Girl's Classic Egg Mug Recipe in my guest post.

Damp and dreary out in the 'Burgh.  Hope you are having a great wherever you may be.  Got the first round of pineapple sage jelly made.  A second round will be sometime over the weekend.  Always something this time of year.  Talk to you later.


  1. Harvesting Herbs here today :) Have the thyme frying now and the Holy Basil in the alcohol brewing :) Have to get the sage bundled to hang...the stevia will have to wait for another day I do believe. It's chill and overcast here. Almost time to light the fireplace :)

  2. You are a busy lady, Carol! Trying to clean because it's raining! Not doing too well as you can see!:) xo

  3. energy level bottomed out about 30 minutes thinks the rest of the day will be rather lazy :)
    Must mop kitchen floor though... all the herbal stuff is everywhere :)

  4. Would you believe it, I forgot about the chives. Wonder if I can still harvest it at this time of year. First thing in the morning I’ll go and check out the clumps.

    thanks for reminding me.

  5. Hi Nancy, my chives did not do all that well this year, hopefully the cooler weather will bring them back. I did have a nice harvest in the very early part of 2013 and some nice flowers too that I dried.

    I wish I were sharing that wonderful breakfast or a late night supper with you!

    Hot and windy here in Escondido,CA!

  6. I find myself in a mess when I harvest, Carol. This year I had a pile of herbs that I dried in paper towels. My nose sometimes quits on me and I had The Herbal Husband telling what herbs were! Now that's bad!

    Well, I hope so for you Friko. I can't make it through winter without them. Glad I could remind you.

    Hopefully some day soon, we will be able to have breakfast together Carla! I have to remember that everyone isn't in the same boat as PA is as far as weather. I think I'm really lucky that most years. I get enough herbal harvest of my favorites.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady