
Monday, October 14, 2013

Long Live The Queen!

The Beautiful Grandiflora Rose 'Queen Elizabeth'
We are getting to the end of the growing year here.  The Herbal Husband came in with this surprise from the garden over the weekend.  'Queen Elizabeth' was the one rose that was in our garden from the start and she is still going strong!   We moved here 24 years ago!

I'm dragging my feet about the last jelly making.  The pineapple sage has been so beautiful that I can't cut it yet.
October Blooming Pineapple Sage!
I think you can see my dilemma.  It is even more beautiful since this photo was taken!  Well, I hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.   It's a gray day in the 'Burgh!  Getting ready for the winter to come.  Rain by Wednesday.  Will talk about another favorite herb this time of year in my next post.  Talk to you then.


  1. What a lovely rose he found at the end of summer. I say that because it is snowing here in Colorado! How quickly summer flew away!

  2. Pretty blooms! My pineapple sage is not doing anything. Put it in a spot with less sun to keep it from crisping. Will try again next year as it is too cold natured for our couple of winter days.

  3. It has been moved around so much and now it is surviving even though it's buried by the comfrey! I can't believe you have snow already! We are going to get rain which I think was your snowstorm tomorrow, Bernideen! Thanks for stopping by. xo

    Yes, Cindy, the same thing happened to me last year. We got our pineapple sage through the winter indoors. Tough to do here. Then when we put it back in the spot it had been in before, it just sat and did nothing! It was very depressing. So now I have two that are doing very well. I've already made a box of jelly with probably another one to come. We are definitely going to get cooler starting over the weekend. So I need to be quick.

    Thanks ladies as always for your comments! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady