
Friday, October 25, 2013

Peppers Galore!

Had Yellow Peppers for Stuffing!
These Little Ones from Peru Are a Little Hot or Maybe A Lot!

This is the Yellow Pepper from Peru that actually will turn orange!

More Stuffed Peppers on the Way!
We have gone pepper crazy here.  I guess because they aren't in the ground and they are ALL in containers, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.  The Herbal Husband has fun and I guess that keeps him out of trouble.  We have all different sizes of peppers.  The little guys are hot.  I can't eat them anymore because of my reflux disease.  The medium size peppers are the true flavor of Peru in their salsas.  The green ones are just the regular bell peppers that I make into stuffed peppers.

I was busy making jelly yesterday and the rose geranium wine will be ready for tomorrow to make jelly.  Then I will have rosemary garlic jelly to make and maybe something else because I'll have two packages of Certo left.  Maybe I'll make a couple of recipes of my favorite, lemon verbena!

We had another cold night, but everything survived.  Some parts of the 'Burgh had that four letter word that we don't like to hear, snow!  We have had a beautiful fall and we sometimes get snow this early, but before Halloween!  Well, I hope you are having a great day wherever you may be in the world.  I'll talk to you later.


  1. How I envy you all of those peppers. I never have much success with them, I need to keep trying!
    Rosemary garlic jelly sounds delicious, off to read more about that.

  2. Thanks Tracey for stopping by! We seem to have great success with peppers in containers. So looking at them all lined up is intimidating! Hope you like the jelly recipe. I'll be making it sometime this week. xo

  3. You're very welcome, Diana! Thanks for stopping by! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady