
Friday, October 4, 2013

The Smell of Tangerine in the House!

Tangerine Sage, Smaller and Blooms Earlier than Pineapple Sage!
Tangerine Sage Jelly!
We are all about the jelly this time of year.  I made a box of nasturtium jelly and The Herbal Husband said that was enough.  But there are more flowers!  I guess vinegar it is!  This is tangerine sage jelly.  I made it just like my recipe for pineapple sage jelly.  Substituting tangerine sage for pineapple sage.  The link will give you three different recipes I use for jellies this time of year.  We were in Whole Foods Market the other day and I found tangerine juice.  I'm sort of a purist when I make jelly.  Tangerine juice by itself is difficult to find.  So because it was in a carton, I knew that it would be a cloudy juice not clear.  I decided to try it.  It is not as clear as I would like, but the taste with the tangerine sage was good.  Now if I could just find the time to make more!  Always that problem this time of year.  BTW, you can make 4 batches (16 jars) from one 64 oz. carton of tangerine juice.  A very good value!

We are still warm in the 'Burgh.  I think rain comes tomorrow and then we may cool off.  Somehow The Herbal Husband "found" a baby bay rum plant and I'll show you that in my next post.  We're starting over!  Have a great weekend.  Talk to you later.

Tangerine Sage Plant in Bloom.


  1. Bet your place smells delish!!! I haven't made any jelly at all this year :( But the spaghetti sauce cooking on the stove smells divine. Need to get the bread started .

  2. It does, Carol, but I bet yours smells just as good! Love spaghetti sauce cooking on the stove! Thanks for stopping by! xo

  3. Yesterday it was bread baking in the oven and a pot of stew simmering on the stove. Seems like the Fall months are filled with a wonderful variety of fragrances - tangerine sage - that is new to me. It must have been heavenly in your kitchen!! And what a lovely color !
    Wish we had a nearby greenhouse that offered more herbal varieties. Have had mixed experiences ordering by mail. Mostly too costly and not very healthy...:o(

  4. The smell of tangerine has made me think of Christmas!

  5. I do love fall weather, TO. It was in the 80's here and I finished the tangerine sage jelly. My hands still smell like sage! It is wonderful. Hoping that we have a mild weather and it will come back. Yes, mail order can be iffy! xo

    Just wait for my next installment for Mother Earth Living. It may really smell like Christmas in your house! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady