
Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Donation to the National Aviary!

Well, continuing our reorganization in the garden and TRYING to downsize, we made a significant donation of tropical plants to the National Aviary this morning.  Here are before and after photos.

Called by Some An Herbal Arboretum!
A Bit Less of the Herbal Arboretum!
Really we are so fortunate to have an Aviary where they have lots of open spaces and places to use the tropical plants we had.  Thanks to our friends, Denny and Lyn who came with their truck and helped secure them for the ride to town.  Thanks to Jessie in Development and Tom at the Aviary for his passion for plants and birds.  I think we will probably have a future donation to go, but we know they will be in good hands when we do.

A hot and humid sunny day with drops of rain included.  The nasturtiums are just going crazy.   Hope you are having a great day.


  1. Nice to know they will continue to be appreciated.

  2. Yes, Tracey, Tom even wanted to take cuttings of the peppermint scented geranium! They were a hit! Thanks for stopping by! xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady