
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

You Don't Grow This Herb For Its Flowers!

There are a lot of herbs that you don't grow for its flowers.  My favorite is one of them.  And don't think you can get seeds from these flowers.  You will wait a long time.  I had a reader say that she was growing lemon verbenas from seed.  I asked her when the lemon verbenas got bigger to let me know how they were doing.  She never got back to me.  I would tell you if you want to propagate your lemon verbenas, you need to take cuttings.  I wrote about lemon verbena for Herb Companion in 2009.  The post was called The Lemon Verbena Lady's Favorite Herb.  In fact I have written several posts for Herb Companion (now Mother Earth Living).  You can find the rest under the Page Links to Guest Posts for Mother Earth Living.

Getting ready for a big move tomorrow and I will fill you in on Friday.  Hope you are having a great day.  The weather is like summer here.  That's why I like fall in the 'Burgh.

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Lemon Verbena Lady