
Friday, November 22, 2013

A Potpourri (Literally) of Herbal Smells!

The Brown Fig is Still Producing Even in the Garage!

Mixed Up Some Potpourri for My MEL Aromatherapy Post!
The Potpourri Will Be Placed into These Jars and Then the Fixative Will be Added!

Getting Some Lemon Verbena Vanilla Sugar Ready for Gift Giving!

You've got to get my attention these days!  I have forgotten to post!  Sorry about that, but I have been making a mess in my workspace and  it has been fun!  We have a small cottage type house and I have to do my herbal projects everywhere.  Now that The Herbal Husband is coming home,  Monday to be exact,  I was hoping to get a few more herbal items done before chaos ensues.

I had a brown fig with my breakfast fruit this morning.  I have had three since The Herbal Husband has been gone.  Pretty good if I do say so myself.  I mixed up the potpourri yesterday and it may be a couple of weeks until my post is up on the MEL website.  I had to split my post into two parts (I got carried away!) and then the potpourri recipe is in the second part.  So you will just have to wait!  I  dug out some of the lemon verbena vanilla sugar into these cute glass jars.  I think that a couple of you may win some in my upcoming giveaway.  It is that time of year!

So hopefully you are having a great day.  We are warm, rainy and gray here in the 'Burgh!  It's going to be freezing over the weekend.  Talk to you later.  


  1. I wish we could get decent figs around here in Utah. I bought some at Costco and they were awful. I guess I'm just going to have to go to California-that's not too sad!

  2. Your potpourri is beautiful. If in my house that would have to keep it out in a pretty bowl to enjoy.

  3. Hi dear Julie, Yes, I think California is the way to go if you aren't able to grow them. They are delicious and was so glad that I could eat several while The Herbal Husband was gone. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! xo

    Hi dear TG, I do think it turned out very well and it smells delicious in the basement while its curing. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweetie. xo

  4. These are some great resouces on potpourri. Can't wait to try some. Thanks for sharing.

    WTF incense


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Lemon Verbena Lady