
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Making Elderberry Syrup!

The Rosemary House Had The Ingredients Ready to Make Elderberry Syrup
Here It is Simmering on the Stove!
Used a Jelly Bag to Strain Out the Berries
Fit Back Into the Original Bottle with Some to Spare!
Don't Forget to Label and Date What You Made!
Well, because The Herbal Husband isn't around at the moment, I got to play in my herbal workspace in the basement yesterday.  It's a perennial mess, but it's fun to play anyway.  Last year about this time, Bonnie, my herbal companion and I went down east to visit the Longwood Gardens at Christmas display and have tea with our good friend, Nancy Reppert at Sweet Remembrances Tearoom.  We also made a stop because it's next door to my other favorite sister, Susanna Reppert Brill's business, The Rosemary House.  Well, Susanna had a jump on the 2013 Herb of the Year, Elderberry.  She had made up a DIY Elderberry Syrup bottle.  I just got mine made, Susanna.   It was so easy and fun to do and now I'll be prepared for any cold or flu symptoms that may appear.

So with Susanna's kind permission, here is her recipe for:

DIY Elderberry Syrup

4 oz. dried elder berry or 1 cup fresh berries
1 cinnamon stick
5 cloves
1/2 t ginger
2 cups water
1 cup local honey

Add ingredients and the honey to the water.  Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer.  Reduce water by one half.  Strain through cheesecloth and press berries to get juice out.  Stores 2-3 months or longer in the fridge.

She writes on the back of the recipe that elderberries have been a folk remedy for a variety of ailments for centuries in North America, Europe, Western Asia and North Africa.  Elderberries among other great properties have vitamins A and B and a large amount of vitamin C.  Her last sentence says it all, "All flu viruses have trouble with elderberry's blockades.

So if you don't have your own elderberries, their current blog post about elderberry syrup says they have DIY bottles available.   It was very easy to do and you know if I can do, you can do it too.  Be prepared, herbally speaking.

Well, we've got the gray skies back in the 'Burgh and it is cold!  You know the damp and cold kind of day.  Went out to feed the birds and had to go back inside to get my jacket.  Heard the crow cawing.  Didn't see him.  Hopefully by the time The Herbal Husband gets back next week, they will be around.  Crows are such comedians!  I hope you are having a great day wherever you may be.  Talk to you later.

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Lemon Verbena Lady