
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Not Been Getting Much Done, Herbally Speaking!

My copy of the latest Susan Branch book, A Fine Romance arrived last week and do you think I can get much done besides reading it?  No, not much.  I have lemon verbena jelly waiting to be made, scented geraniums to cut and dry.  You get the idea.  I haven't finished the book yet, but every time I have an extra second, I pick it up and read a bit more.  Sharon Lovejoy, you are very correct that it is right down my pathway!  Gosh from the end flaps in the beginning, she hooks you into a joyful tale of falling in love (years ago) and getting to explore England with the love of her life for two months last year in a 25th anniversary celebration!  Fabulous!  This will be a forever book for me.  One that I will pickup and reread and find something new each time.  I don't think you will be sorry if you want to learn about England or love England as much as The Herbal Husband and I do.

It is giving The Herbal Husband and I thoughts of what to do for our 30th a few years away!  Our 26th is tomorrow.  We are going to our favorite restaurant, Verona Village Inn tonight.  Getting The Herbal Husband ready for his trip to Peru.  Learning how to feed the birds and water the plants!  We have two different styles so I always have to refresh my memory!  One of the last warm days and we are working to tie up our arborvitaes for the winter.  Hope you are having a great day.  Talk to you later.


  1. I have seen a few reviews of this book, and people are always enthusiastic. I need to get a copy.
    Wishing you both a very Happy Anniversary.

  2. Hi Tracey, This will be one of those forever books for me. One that you can pick up anytime and reread and find something new inside! Thanks for the good wishes, dear! xo

  3. Happy 26th, LVL and HH! Hope you had a great evening.

    Been trying to catch up with the blogs in between construction on my new greenhouse. The cold is coming! A bit early this year...

  4. Thanks TG. I am so far behind in my blog reading. Hopefully, I will spend a day or so catching up with everyone! Ha! Leaves to rake, lunch to have with girlfriends! HH in Miami at the moment. On his way to Peru. Seventeen days on my own! I always marvel in what he gets done. I'm a big slacker around here when he is here! Hope you get that greenhouse done! I hear it's going to snow here on Tuesday! Thanks for stopping by as always. xo


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Lemon Verbena Lady