
Friday, November 8, 2013

The Indoor Winter Landscape!

Some Plants Were Moved Up to the Living Room, Mints, Lavender, Green Pepper Basil, Hot Pepper!
Two Prostrate Rosemarys!
My Lemon Window, Lemon Crispum SG, Lemon Meringue SG and Lemon Verbena!
Sorry for the lateness of this post!  The Herbal Husband is on his way to Peru and I have been trying to get on a schedule with all of the things he does for me.  He really loves his birds and so I had to learn how to feed them.  Can't whistle like he does, but he would be pleased to know that the blue jay with the damaged wing came for his peanuts and the cardinals were there at dusk getting their safflower.

We also had to move plants around before he left.  We did donate large tropical plants to the National Aviary and it's a darn good thing we did.  I don't know where all of the plants would have gone if we hadn't! My living room not only has a drafting table in it, but now my herb plants!  We took an old shower curtain and put it on my wooden bench and place the mints on it.  The rest of the herbs have been in the windowsills because they are south and west facing.  Good for herbs in the winter months.  That lemon verbena is looking very good!  The last piece of advice from The Herbal Husband was not to overwater!  That's a laugh, because he usually overwaters and I underwater!  So hopefully, I'll get it correct!  I only have 17 days to get it wrong!  And they are talking snow by midweek!  Yikes!

I'm going to be out raking leaves tomorrow and maybe Sunday get the lemon verbena jelly done.  Then more leaf raking on Monday before the snow comes!  Well, I hope you have a great weekend.  I'll talk to you next week!


  1. It sounds like you have been very busy. I am lucky in that I can leave everything outside. Some of the more tender plants I move to the potting table, and place a cover over them, but that is all I need to do.

  2. I hope you have a lovely 17 days that go quickly and smoothly, filled with good things to do and enjoy until your dear HH gets back to you.

    Love your indoor herbal garden.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  3. I was just doing this today, all the scented geraniums and the lemon verbena window box and then I could not part the the thyme and so on and so one. I wish I had your talent for winter plants! Yours always look so great. Enjoy your time and your winter garden!
    Many Herby returns - Marcy

  4. I'm sort of an herbal fake, Marcy! The Herbal Husband is the behind the scenes guy doing all of the work. Although he is known for overwatering and killing herbs in an instant! I had a beautiful 'Arp' rosemary. We brought it inside last year. It survived and went back into the garden and in an instant it was gone! I think there was too much clay where we planted it and as you know, it needs very well drained soil! So hopefully I will keep everything alive while he is gone! Now that some herbs are in the windowsill and they are in the direct (albeit hazy) light, I have to check them every day to make sure they are watered. Thanks for stopping by as always! xo

  5. Halfway done with the greenhouse and I am counting the hours until the freeze on Wednesday morning. Trying to not overwhelm the loft this winter but looks like I may have to do some re-arranging to get everybody close to my south windows. Have 2 lemon verbena plants I rescued from work I really want to re-pot. I hope I can keep them all winter (I don't do as well with the herbs inside).

    Your 17 days will pass so quickly. HH will be back in no time and I bet he will be pleased with your care of the place.

  6. I forgot to comment on Tracey and FL's comments. Ladies, thanks for coming by. Thanks for your positive energy! xo

  7. Hey, TG, hope you do better than what I'm doing with my lemon verbena. You can read about the latest adventures! Hope your greenhouse and your rearrangement works out! I have to go out and rake some more leaves before we get snow tomorrow! xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady