
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Oh, The Weather Outside Is . . .

Always Like to Take a Look Around After It Has Been Cold and Snowy!
A Lot of Brown for the Wildlife!
A View From the Bench Into the Herb Garden!

pretty soggy, but warm instead of cold and snowy.  As you can see in the photos above, our snow is gone.  The stuff covering the fig on the hillside behind the herb garden is shredded paper!  Now that it's wet, it hopefully won't get around the neighborhood if the wind picks up!  I always try to get outside and check on the herbs and other plants when it gets warm and make sure the plants haven't heaved up.

As you can see by the banner photo, I got some decorating done!  I think it looks cute.  Hopefully you have had time to decorate and get ready for the big day.  We took a Christmas tour of Hartwood Acres mansion near us yesterday with our friend, Shelley.  It is a beautiful house and decorated for the holidays.  If you are in the Pittsburgh area, you have to get out to see it.
The Christmas Tree in the Great Hall at Hartwood!
Hope you had a great day!  The Winter Solstice is here!  If winter were only this mild!  The real winter comes back on Monday!  Talk to you later.


  1. we reached a temperature of 81 around 2 pm today...nice breeze and I think it was an excellent way to begin winter!

  2. Your yard looks beautiful and calm even in the winter. xoxoxox

  3. I just couldn't live where there wasn't snow, Linda! Hope you enjoy Christmas in the warm weather.

    Thanks Missy. It is going to get colder tomorrow. Really looking forward to it.

    Thanks ladies for stopping by. xo


Thank you for visiting my herb garden and leaving questions or comments for me to reflect upon or answer.

Lemon Verbena Lady